The main services
All users have general and consulting specialist services which include regular checkups of the general health, correction of medical therapies and other services.
In accordance with the individual needs of the users, a medical examination of the cardiologist is provided, as well as regular laboratory diagnostics. Constant and occasional users in need of special care get, in the infirmary equipped for such purposes, expert and permanent medical supervision with the therapy determined prior to coming to the infirmary.
These users have all the conditions for a quick recovery so that they can go back to their usual daily activities as soon as possible. The users have additional security that maximum expert medical help will be offered to them because eminent medical health institutions are nearby. MedMaris has concluded contracts on business collaboration with: general hospital and health center BELMEDIC, Clinical center of Serbia and Institute for cardiovascular diseases Dedinje, which are all 10 minutes away by car from MedMaris.
For good quality of life, aside from good care and attention to health, it is necessary to have content to make every day more rich and fulfilled. Due to that we offer massage, hair stylist, cosmetician and pedicure services with the intention of creating moments of relaxation which contribute significantly to more pleasure and social wellbeing.
Joint social activities are organized per users’ wishes. Each individual is welcome to participate in the preparation, which makes the motivation greater and gives the sense of contributing to the community. Members of the family which are unable to visit often can make an agreement to have regular telephone or email notifications about the health condition of the user, as well as checkups which were performed. This way, the family has permanent insight into the physical, mental and emotional state of their family members. Special medical care for permanent and occasional users in the infirmary equipped for such purposes will offer the users an expert and permanent medical supervision.
These are all qualified and experienced nurses which perform all medical and non-medical services for users in need of special medical care.
Physical therapy: laser therapy, electrotherapy, TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and IFS (interferential current therapy), magnetotherapy and ultrasound.
Daily and all-day stay for temporary users in fully equipped communal space has the surface of 70m2. In order to make users life as good as possible, within the communal space, there is a space for occupational therapy and physical therapy, as well as rooms for planned activities such as hair appointments, cosmeticians, pedicure, etc.